How do I clear my web browser's cache, cookies, and history?
If you are facing problems in logging in or signing in to your Premium Membership account, one of the reasons can be due to the web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.) on the device you are using to access your account.
All web browsers store some information about the websites on your computer's hard drive every time you visit them. This information can be in form of cookies and cache and it helps in loading the website back quickly if you are revisiting it. However, this process has a downside because when a website gets updated, your browser may still load its older, outdated version.
A solution for this is that you clear your browser cache/cookies/history every few weeks to keep it running efficiently. You may want to configure your browser's settings to delete or remove your browser's cache upon closing or exiting the browser window.
You can learn how to clear your browser cache, cookies, and history by choosing the browser you use on your device: