Why I cannot sign in?
There can be several reasons for not being able to sign in to your Premium Membership account. Please read the following reasons carefully.
- Have you correctly entered your registered email address and the password on the Sign-in page? Some members sign up with a different email address and try to sign in using another email address. We request you to please check this before signing in. Always use the correct registered email address. If you don't remember the registered email address using during the sign-up process, please contact us with your name, country and payment date/method and we will track it and send it to you. Also, passwords are case-sensitive. If you have forgotten the correct password, you can retrieve it using the "Forgot Password" option on the Sign-in page.
- Are you using the correct URL to sign in? The correct URL for all Premium Members (Pro and Standard)to sign in to their Premium Membership account is:
We request you to bookmark the above link and use it to sign in from this link only. We used to have a previous sign-in page for our Premium Pro Members that is not valid anymore for new members. Existing Premium Standard Members and Premium Pro Members can both sign in from the above link to access their membership accounts.
- Web Browser cache: We have noticed some members fail to sign in because of their browser memory or cookies stored on their devices for a long time. This also happens if you were a previous Pro Member and now attempting to sign in as a new Premium Member. Because of the way web browsers behave, you may get stuck on the sign-in page. In such a case, you can either use a different web browser or clear your cache and cookie history and try signing in again.
- Your Membership is not activated. This happens when your payment has been declined or put on hold by your bank after you have completed your payment process. Our system accepts your card payment online and attempts to process it. However, in some cases, the bank reverts back to us and raises an objection against this transaction because of which the activation of your membership fails. The above process happens within a matter of a few seconds without the knowledge of the payer. Any amount deducted in the process gets refunded back to your card automatically.
- Your Membership has expired: You may be not aware but your membership may have expired due to a payment failure. To renew, you may reach us out here.